About Us

Ruth Anne Wood and Stash Serafin teach the impossible can be possible when you focus on what feels good in your body and life script. Blind since birth, Stash Serafin, skates with local and world class figure skaters for over thirty years.

Dorothy Hamill’s 2007 book, A Skating Life: My Story she says, “I was moved to tears by Stash's courageous performance.” With Stash’s coach Uschi Keszler (Former German National Champion 1960s) Stash trains to be the oldest man to land the quad, a figure skating jump with four revolutions.

"The Coaches Coach", Terri Levine, says this about Ruth and Stash’s autobiographical book, “You Can't Get It ‘Cause You’ve Already Got It! is inspirational and entertaining. You will be immersed in the life of Stash Serafin and be rewarded with a deeper understanding of your life and yourself. Masterfully written.”

Since co-writing and publishing “You Can’t Get It ‘Cause You’ve Already Got It!” available everywhere books are sold, Ruth Anne Wood (33) and Stash Serafin (55) have teamed up to support others to Get Your Dreams Out of the Drawer. Ruth is a contributing editor and publisher of the ebook “Abundant Magical Lives Insights For Passionate People”. In fall of 2007 her play “The Table” debuted in Philadelphia.

Ms. Wood often combines her Scripting for SuccessTM tools www.scriptingforsuccess.com with helping others through the various steps to publish their books. Recent titles span the gamut from “The Official Book on the Business of Baseball General Management to Ichabod and Lilly, children books through Twilight Wish Foundation, a non-profit that celebrates seniors and makes wishes come true. More details about writing, marketing, and publishing can be found at www.ezPublishIT.com.

Ruth and Stash are sought-after inspirational speakers with talks that include:
· Turn Your Adversities into Adventures
· Six Steps to Getting Your Dreams out of the Drawer
Go to www.scriptingforsuccess.com for Ruth and Stash’s complimentary newsletter to help you “Get Your Dreams Out of the Drawer!”

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Tell the world how you turned adversities into adventures on YouTube!

Fulfilled: coaches, artists, lovers, travelers,
career makers, parents...

Help us produce a movie on your spiritual and physical success!

It's 2009 and you're sitting at the movie theater in the row with  thirty of your closest friends and family. About 30 minutes into the feature everyone in your row does the wave as the stand up and give you a standing ovation. Blushing others in the theater begin to turn around and smile star stuck as seconds earlier they saw YOU. Heart pounding with nerves and delight you take in the sights, sounds, smells and feelings of popcorn and a well used theater...

It was less than three years ago when a blind figure skater and visionary writer embarked on the journey of co-writing a double feature biography.

What could they possibly write about together?

You Can't Get It 'Cause You've Already Got It!

A blind skater and a visionary writer's

inspirational guide to moving through life.

 is capturing the hearts of fans nation wide who recognize  their simple yet profound spiritual teachings taken from their ordinary lives about:

-Honoring what feels goods

-Declaring and acquiring exactly what you want?

-Gaining insight to create and realize your New Years resolutions in 2008.

Inspired by fore runners in the Mind, Body Spirit and laws of attraction teachings co-authors Ruth Anne Wood and Stash Serafin have found a very special audience.

You Can't Get It 'Cause You've Already Got It!

A blind figure skater and visionary writer’s

inspirational guide to moving through life

[now on amazon.com]
is a compelling reading experience. The authors [Ruth Anne Wood and Stash Serafin] convincingly reveal their own stories of courage, commitment and trust. The remarkable examples from their own lives speak of overcoming obstacles and the strength of the human spirit.” -Catherine Werth, Austin, TX. Learn more at


Now co-authors Ruth Anne Wood and Stash Serafin are inviting the world in posting original
YouTube.com movies about
You Can't Get It 'Cause You've Already Got It!

This an opportunity for students and teachers of laws of attraction, Scripting for SuccessTM, Mind, Body, Spirit and sensitive movement skills to come together and create the next out pouring of love, prosperity, joy, fulfillment and community collaboration that takes movies inspired by "The Secret" to the next level of interactive, global peace and acceptance. Visit www.scriptingforsuccess.com for more details.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Authors Donating One Million Copies with the help of local Lions Clubs


Stash Serafin, (Cell): 215-806-0799
Ruth Anne Wood (Cell): 215-872-5035

People find hope in the inspirational story
of a blind figure skater and visionary writer.

You Can't Get It 'Cause You've Already Got It!
A blind figure skater and visionary writer’s inspirational guide to moving through life [now on amazon.com] is a compelling reading experience. The authors [Ruth Anne Wood and Stash Serafin] convincingly reveal their own stories of courage, commitment and trust. The remarkable examples from their own lives speak of overcoming obstacles and the strength of the human spirit.” -Catherine Werth, Austin, TX. Learn more at scriptingforsuccess.com

In the first week selling on amazon.com released on 11/11/07, the book is already generating support from organizations such as; Twilight Wish Foundation, (an organization that celebrates seniors and makes wishes come true) and local Lions clubs who were instrumental in helping co-author of You Can’t Get It 'Cause You've Already Got It! Stash Serafin get two former leader dogs.

One of this year’s projects that is already under way for You Can’t Get It 'Cause You've Already Got It! is to make a million copies available for the seeing impaired by 11/11/08 with the plan to raise over a million dollars total for participating Lions clubs through the electronic edition of Ruth Anne Wood and Stash Serafin’s paperback. Local and national groups who want to learn more are invited to visit scriptingforsuccess.com.

The second project is to collected movies around the world posted on You Tube that illustrate how people are utilizing the lessons learned from the authors and positively implementing them in their health, physical activates, relationships, careers and communities. These stories put together in a style influenced by the mega best seller, The Secret will be used in the 2009 You Can’t Get It 'Cause You've Already Got It! film.

When one person realizes, they can’t get it ‘cause they’ve already got it, this creates a ripple effect in the community. That why authors Ruth Anne Wood and Stash Serafin strive for unity in the community by partnering with organizations and people that make a difference by honoring what personally feels good.

You Can't Get It 'Cause You've Already Got It!
A blind skater and a visionary writer's
inspirational guide to moving through life.
by Stash Serafin and Ruth Anne Wood
Publisher: Thriving Artist Press
ISBN-13: 978-0-9792625-1-7
Amazon.com Release Date: November 11, 2007

Ruth Anne Wood
